Happy new year! Did you all have a nice break over the holidays?
I know, I know, how did it finish so quickly? Why are we back? What is even happening???
All very good questions. Unfortunately never answerable, but still.
So, last December I had the privilege of doing a baking photo shoot with Josephine from Courage & Dash (which you just have to check out), who has the most amazing photography skills. We thought it would be great to team up and photograph some baking! And so, off I went, to see what I could make that would be pretty.
That resulted in a pecan cheesecake, mulled wine cupcakes, baileys cupcakes and cranberry & white chocolate cookies. The butterscotch topping on the pecan pie started melting down the sides of the cheesecake (as you can see), but we decided that this just made it look...er, rustic.
I had intended to post this before Christmas (hence the baubles), but I got distracted (probably by something shiny). So I will make it a glittery new year post :) I promise to post the recipes up soon but in the meantime I recommend you recreating the taste of the Baileys cupcakes by....drinking some Baileys. What better way to spend today's lazy Sunday afternoon? :)
All photography by the very talented Josephine, all baking by me. I hope you like the photos and, of course, all the best for 2016!
Lots of love,
Pudding Pie Lane