Sunday, 26 September 2010
Birthday card recipe no. 6: Ayo’s Rice For All
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Birthday card recipe no. 5: Joe’s Essex Noodles
There is just something comforting about eating noodles. Singing ‘mmmmm….noodle soup!’ is pretty satisfying in itself. AND you can write with them. Can the humble noodle do no wrong?
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Birthday card recipe no. 4: Florence + Britt’s Amazing Tomato PASTAAA!!!
I was appointed a chef in our first night at Bombong Tiga,
With Florence and Britt, we impressed with our pasta,
We added some sauce, some veggies and this thing called ‘corned beef’,
(Some tinned reddish stuff that was supposedly meat),
We cooked and we served; the portions were small,
But hey don’t complain! It’s Raleigh rations for all!
I think and I hope the meal went down well enough,
Because trumping ‘Amazing Tomato PASTAAA!!!’ is going to be tough.
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Changing for the sweeter (and apologies for the messy transition)
I’ll start tomorrow.
But, I mean, is it too naive to think that some 40 year old working mum will just be browsing the internet and think “Oh! What should I cook tonight…In The Kitchen?? Hm… I will type those very three words into a BlogSpot search engine and hope to find some suitable recipes accompanied by blatant witty dialogue”. And then find my blog and tell Susah, Sarah and Jane at church group on Sunday all about this girl’s road-to-self-discovery-through-chocolate-cooking-and-other-important-things?
Well, it could happen.
However, I have decided that ‘In The Kitchen’ (despite being useful in the above search engine example) would be a little generic. I mean, I can imagine that is EXACTLY what Susan would be saying to Sarah (behind Jane’s back, because she loves the name).
So on the way to the airport (en route to Prague with family), we passed a road with a name that was perfect for my blogging purposes: Pudding Pie Lane (a perfect excuse to blog more sweet recipes, hence bake more and eat more chocolate). Now I can see the conversation between Susan and Sarah:
”Oh yes, THAT blog! When I first saw it I had an image of the gingerbread man strolling along the pavement and Hansel and Gretel waving at me from behind their candy cane windows! Cute. And memorable”. This would probably still be behind Jane’s back because she preferred ‘In The Kitchen’. You can’t please everyone.
Pudding Pie Lane: I like it. I hope you do too.
p.s. sorry about the messy layout of the blog right now. It's late and my eyes are blurry and I know that's not an excuse but it's the best I've got.
I would have gotten more photos, except that some sadist had plonked the sign right in the middle of a patch of stinging nettles. And I happened to be wearing a skirt. I now have a dozen or so neat little bumps on my legs; a nice addition to my collection of mosquito bites from Borneo :)
Lesson learned today: Don’t stomp about in a bunch of stinging nettles. Common sense should have taught you that already. Either that, or you don’t have any nerve endings.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
A Digression into Dumplings
This was an article I wrote for a magazine at uni on how to make dumplings, and I was so proud of it (mostly of how I managed to stand up for 4 hours on end making them no not complaining once) that I wanted to share it on here! So taking a step back from the birthday recipes, dumplings are dominating the day.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Birthday card recipe no. 3: Comfy Carbonara
There is always something comforting about creamy carbonara; even just hearing the alliteration is soothing. So when I cooked this recipe from Hunny (who was one of the top chefs for our expedition), I knew I was in safe hands ;)
Monday, 13 September 2010
Birthday card recipe no.2: Alice and Sam’s Beautiful Banoffee Pie
One fateful day, when we were minding our own business, fixing pipes, digging things up for no reason – you know, the usual – when we saw the village chief strolling along our direction. What did he want us to do now? More taps and standpipes? Or worse, a showerhead? No, he came bearing gifts (well, a gift), and – lo’ and behold – it was fresh fruit! (something we had not seen in a very long time). And not just any kind of fruit, it was a plant of about 20 or so mini Borneo bananas. They were brilliant, they were slightly brown, but most importantly, they were A BAKING OPPORTUNITY.
I have to say that this baking opportunity was missed by me due to other commitments (probably hair plaiting), but Sam and Alice did a great job given our rations. Despite the ‘offee’ part not coming out quite as expected, we all had a lovely dessert and an even lovelier sugar induced night of singing, charades and (eventually), sleep. Here’s the exact recipe that they used:
Making this at home was pretty easy to do, and didn’t take long. It also gave me an excuse to buy biscuits and condensed milk. Okay, I have to confess, that is why I choose to make this recipe next. It did not disappoint.
I started by making the base, adding some crushed pecans because I accidentally overestimated a ‘spoonful’ and the mixture was slightly too buttery.
Making the toffee required some research, however. “Boil the condensed milk to create yummy fake toffee!” was slightly vague on how exactly to go about doing that. Do I pour it into a pan and heat until bubbling? Or do I stab some holes in the top and boil the tin in some water for 10 minutes? Well, it definitely wasn’t the latter, because that’s what we did in Borneo and toffee (even the yummy fake variety) was not the end result.
A quick search of google then told me that I had to boil the unopened tin of condensed milk for 3 hou- 3 hours?! Oh dear, that was a lot of waiting around time dangerously near the freshly replenished tin of biscuits. It had to be done.
So I waited….
And I waited…
And I waited…. and voila! Yummy fake toffee!
Surely the biscuit base had to have set by this time. So I began to pour the toffee on top…
Except that it didn’t seem to want to pour. Or drop, or dollop, or just come out of the tin. But then, I realised, I wasn’t in the jungle anymore and had access to electricity (and namely a microwave)! All I had to do was heat it up and then surely it would pour faster than you can say ‘tropical rain’.
I was wrong. 2 minutes in the microwave only made it go bubbly and smell like feet (I am still unsure of how that happened). I guess it was time to use the trusty spoon and stir it. Damn technology.
Now, for the last part, shedding out a thousand pounds and a 14 hour flight to get some bananas was probably a tad excessive, so I had to make do with British bananas instead. Actually, they probably weren’t even British. But anyhow, I only had to walk 5 minutes to buy them, which was a pretty good improvement on the previous time span.
And this was how it came out!
From mess tin or ramekin, this recipe proves that banoffee pie is accessible to all crockery, and is a very versatile recipe. A case of ‘don’t just try this at home, try it in the jungle too!’.
Lesson learned today: Don’t microwave condensed milk made toffee. Unless you have a foot fetish.
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Birthday card recipe no.1: The best BREAKFAST in Bombong Tiga!
I heart porridge. I’ve actually grown scarily fond of Quaker instant oats (especially with Nescafe fortified milk powder topped with condensed milk or peanut butter or, best of all, Milo chocolate powder) since living off Raleigh rations, and whilst everyone else was sneaking in crackers or noodles in their mess tin I was happily munching (or more like slurping) away at my yummy gooey mess.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Blog from Borneo, Raleigh rations and whole lotta food.
Selamat Pagi! Sorry for the lack of updates recently, but I have now finally returned from my Travels In the East (i.e Borneo) with Operation Raleigh. Not having any electricity, it was quite difficult to blog whilst out there, really. It took a little while to get to grips with technology again, but now I’m sat with my trusty laptop and typing away, so prepare for a mammoth read coming up!
A little about what Raleigh does: “Raleigh is a leading youth and education charity and since 1984 our expeditions have inspired over 30,000 people from all walks of life, nationalities and ages to be all they can be, helping them develop new skills, friendships and volunteer to make a genuine difference to communities and environments across the world.”
With sponsorship from UBS (an investment bank), off I went to the Sabah region of Borneo for 5 weeks to build a gravity water feed system in the remote village of Bombong Tiga for the first 3 weeks and then trek in the Sabah jungle for 1 week (I know that doesn’t add up to 5, but there was training in between those times). There’s so much to say about what I did and how I found I found it (tough but amazing), so I’m just going to concentrate about what I did In The Kitchen and sum up the rest of my trip in photos:
Where we stayed during our project phase in Bombong Tiga
Inside our home My bed
Working hard on project
Cooking in the jungle
That was pretty short summary of my time (I thought that maybe posting my 1 and a half hours worth of video would be a tad excessive) there. But on the food side, the summary won’t be as long!
During our project phase we were living in the community hall (as pictured above), which was our bedroom-come-kitchen-come-dining room-come-living room. We worked pretty hard to make a hut a home:
This was our kitchen area – many culinary delights were created here. Well, as delightful as you can get with tinned Raleigh rations:
Every day we had 3 people on chef duty. Dinner was just crackers and spread (not much to blog about there except that it was boring to eat) but lunch was pretty inventive. Served in our mess tins and eaten with sporks, it was definitely a time to bond over instant noodles and beef curry…
We even had some pretty good baking opportunities! Cinnamon cake, bread and butter pudding, peach crumble, Milo fondue, Milo flapjacks (Milo is a chocolate malt drink really popular in Malaysia, and pretty damn addictive… maybe because it was the only form of chocolate we had…) and smiles all round!
We had quite a lot of tinned peaches, so one night we made *drum roll please*… peach crumble! I was panicking slightly for not having any scales (the last time I tried to improv a cake it tasted like feet – but I did go and add every single ingredient in the cupboard – maybe some soy sauce got into it?), I was slightly anxious, but the recipe for Bombong Tiga peach crumble is actually pretty simple to do and also pretty damn good!
This pretty much sums up the cookathon during our project phase. During the adventure phase (trekking in the jungle) we didn’t have as much food (okay, we barely had any food because we didn’t want to carry it), and all that was required was to boil purified water and rehydrate instant pasta.
Before the trek we had two days training in a camp (not quite the same as you’d get in the UK, more like a flat piece of grass with a ‘toilet’) with some challenges that we had to complete as a group to win points. There were food related challenges, and one of them is something I’m not going to forget anytime soon…
There was a lot of gagging and coughing involved after I ate one, but I’m pretty proud of it :) I think it tasted a bit like a wriggling lychee, but I wasn’t about to swish it round my mouth to find out.
When we were in the jungle, our two jungle guides would cook for us every night, as served them jungle style. The last night was my favourite: bamboo root and tapioca collected during the day trek, the former stir fried with seasoning and the latter boiled with pea leaves:
Fruit was pretty abundant in the jungle, and I was lucky enough to try lots of exotic fruits. And as a personal reminder to myself, I rated and commented on each one :)
So all in all, being In The Kitchen during Raleigh Borneo was pretty exciting, I’ve learned there’s quite a lot that you can do with tinned food, and lots about Malaysian food in general. I think my friends from my project phase picked up on this foodie thing pretty quickly because for my birthday I got my own personalised recipe book. And I plan to make every single one and blog about them, so watch this space!
Coming up next: Xinmei’s birthday recipe book and the culinary delights of Kota Kinabalu (the capital of Sabah).
Lesson learned today: Traditional Malaysian food is delicious. Maybe except for the maggots.
Bombong Tiga Peach Crumble
Serves 17 hungry people