Thursday, 20 June 2013

Trinity May Ball, Cambridge

So usually around this time of year I do a post about May Week in Cambridge (the one that's confusedly in June). But, but, I'm no longer a student, so I was only there for Trinity May Ball (yes, the one that's in June).

It's so good to be back! And the night went something a little like this...

(Apologies for the blurry-ness in some of the photos, my SLR wouldn't fit into my clutch. Funny that.)

6pm: Ball starts at 9pm. Usually I start queuing around this time, but this year I have queue skip, so I don't have to queue until 8.30pm. Wohoo!

6.30pm: Spying on other people's dresses out of the window. Beautiful yellow dress. Red spandex number - ooh, that was a big mistake. And what is that strange unironed crepe dress? 

7pm: Getting ready! 

7.30pm: Manage to glue together eyelids whilst putting on false eyelashes.

7.35pm: Unglue eyes.

8.30pm: Read through the programme for the night whilst queueing. Headline act - Example. Hog Roast. Breakfast. Night punting. Ballroom dancing. Funfair. Jazz music. Chocolate fountain and Charbonnel et Walker chocolates. I think I have enough to keep me busy until 6am.

9pm: Go into ball. Head for champagne punt (no, not a punt made from champage, silly) for some elderflower and mint champagne cocktails. Yummy =)

 9.30pm: She's looking good on the bumper cars. I'm eyeing the freshly baked doughnuts. We all squish our black tie suits and dresses onto the swing chairs.

10.30pm: After some tapas and sangria from the main food tent my friends and I join everyone on the backs to watch the fireworks. 

Every year, the river is choc-a-bloc full of punts before the fireworks. Usually students, or tourists, or Cambridge residents, all hire punts and punt up to Trinity where you can watch explosions and FIRE. 

We can all be pyromaniacs for the night.

Ooooooh....aaaaahhhhh.....wooooahhhhhhhh! (See video below, we were big fans of the mash up of Diamonds Are Forever and Diamonds by Rihanna during the fireworks.)

12pm: I have no idea what Example looks like. Is that even him on the stage? 

Well, I hope so, otherwise someone else is singing his songs, which would be weird.

I'm always impressed by how they can build a concert stage in a court that surrounded by 400 year old buildings.

2pm: Basshunter's on the stage now. He's on time, so obviously no one thinks its actually him. Did you know his name is Jonas? 

3.30am: Grabbing some early breakfast. Is that a bacon buttie I spot? Yes it is!!

3.40am: Aaah! Ketchup stain on dress!

3.45am: I think I'll get some pancakes instead.

4.45am: I want to join the céilidh but my feet feel like they're about to fall off. Perhaps I'll just sit and do that awkward bopping-in-the-chair-dancing-thing.

5am: So someone's noticed that I'm doing the awkward bopping-in-the-chair-dancing-thing and has asked me if I want to dance. Which is sweet, but I choose keep my feet and leg intact.

5.40am: Join the mass on the scholar's lawn for the survivors photo, i.e. mahoosive photo of all of the people who made it through the night. We all stand one side of the river, with a camera crew (wel, two people with cameras) on the other side ready to snap away. The committee get to be at the front of the photo on punts. 

6am: Leaving the ball! That was FUN. You know? F-U-N, like the Spongebob and Plankton song!

6.15am: Looking dishevelled.

6.30am: Thank goodness for friends living in college and next to the ball. Sleep time methinks.

6.35am: Woken up by afterparty downstairs. Someone's having an afterparty?!? How???

6.45am: Sleep, take two.

Ciao, until next year, Trinity!

1 comment:

  1. Hello - just looked up your blog after meeting you at the Dot Com Gift Shop last week, hello! I went to Trinity may ball once - I got a free ticket as I was one of the senior writers on TCS! Those were the days.... were you at Trinity? I was at Christ's :-)


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